What They Are Saying: "Ron DeSantis WINS Second Debate"
“Looked presidential.” “A person who can handle the job.” “Very clear winner.” “Got a walk off home run at the end.” “Two-man race.”
New York Times: "Gov. Ron DeSantis acted like the former president’s leading challenger at the second Republican presidential debate. Standing center stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Wednesday night, he deployed a newly assertive tone against the absent Mr. Trump, using criticisms he has been honing in recent weeks at the urging of his allies. He drew attacks from rivals who did show up, but none seemed to land a killer blow. And despite not saying a word until 15 minutes in, he ultimately imposed himself on the proceedings, speaking more than any other candidate."
2016 Iowa Caucus Winner Ted Cruz: "Ron DeSantis WINS Second Debate."
Jason Chaffetz: "The DeSantis strategy is do well in Iowa, the bottom three or four candidates should drop out at this point, they have no hope."
Hugh Hewitt: "Well Ron DeSantis got a walk off home run at the end when he took control of the debate away from the moderators. He said I’m not going to play that game. And then he was very presidential. He’s also the first candidate to mention Commander-in-Chief which I think is a very important thing."
Dr Cody Hoefert, former IA GOP Chair: "My honest take on the debate. @RonDeSantis looked presidential & kept pushing the moderators & discussions to kitchen table issues that affect everyday Americans. I think people are looking for leadership not showmanship. No name calling petty back and forths. #RepublicanDebate”
Clay Travis: "My debate power rankings tonight: 1. DeSantis 2. Burgum 3. Vivek 4. Nikki 5. Scott 6. Christy 7. Pence Yours? Fire away below."
Fox News Voter Panel: “I really liked @RonDeSantis,” says Jeremy about last night’s debate. “He hit all the checkmarks for me as a voter. He talked about his experience, his expertise. He talked about his background. He talked about what he’s going to do for this country, his values.”
Sharla Williams, Iowa voter: "I think what he does is great. I think he’s a great speaker. I think he really always comes through... I’m hoping as time goes on, people will start listening to what Mr. DeSantis has to say.”
Iowa Voter says she switched for Haley to Ron DeSantis:
MODERATOR: "This month - who did you pick last month?"
VOTER: "I picked Haley last month."
MODERATOR: "You picked Haley last month. Who did you pick today?"
VOTER: "DeSantis."
DESANTIS: "I feel like he represented himself well and he did a lot to show that he is a true winner in that he could win a general election."
Hugh Hewitt: "My gut says Gov DeSantis got the walk off homer by rejecting the last question and that Amb Haley and Gov Christie can build on their performances too."
Rob Smith: "It’s a two-man race at this point. I believe DeSantis will surprise in Iowa and New Hampshire, and it will completely reset the conversation. I am not paid to promote anyone, I call it as I see it."
Jim Williams, Iowa voter: "I think he’s done a really good job as the governor of Florida and with the way our country is right now we need somebody like that to take the country back."
NH Majority Leader Jason Osborne: "Governor DeSantis had the demeanor of a man accustomed to standing in the middle of a hurricane, taking care of business, and getting shit done for his people. #DeSantis2024 #GetShitDone #NoExcuses"
NH Governor Chris Sununu: “Was it the right move for Ron DeSantis to challenge Donald Trump one on one?”
SUNUNU: "Of course, because anybody who can find a moment to be the alternative, to be on that stage alone, in a moment at a very high profile, that's again a differentiator. It's a great move to do it. I don't know if Trump will take the bait, so to say, but any chance that they can get to stand out from the crowd, that's why they have to be on the ground here. They have to be on the ground in Iowa, they have to show their faces. Ads are fine, but that only backs up how good of a retail politician you are and retail politics means good retail management. That's what America wants."
Scott Morefield: "Ron DeSantis with the strategic interruption of Scott & Haley to deliver the best top-rope body slam of the debate. Absolute 🔥🔥👇"
Matthew Continetti: "Good for DeSantis to call the bluff on the Survivor gimmick."
Mary Katherine Ham: (Quote Tweet, Matthew Continetti): "This is his signature move and it’s good."
Iowa Voter says he switched from Vivek to Ron DeSantis:
MODERATOR: "Last month who did you pick?"
VOTER: "Vivek."
MODERATOR: "And today?"
VOTER: "DeSantis"
MODERATOR: "How come?"
VOTER: "I thought that DeSantis because of a vague one, the last debate, I think that was the overall consensus. He was the target tonight. And so I think that took a lot of personal attacks against way from DeSantis. And he was able to speak to the issues more than everybody else. So I thought that was important."
Karol Markowicz: "People are still moving to Florida to experience Gov. DeSantis’s leadership. It wasn’t a Covid fluke. My new neighbors from Connecticut sport their DeSantis merch and can’t wait to vote for him for president. What he has done in Florida is revolutionary and has been a model for other states."
Mark Levin: Re debate: "Honestly, nothing personal, but I felt Nikki Haley won the obnoxious title in this debate. Lots of personal attacks. Her record as governor is also quite weak. Scott began to address it. Pence, Burgham, Christie need to go. DeSantis was very solid. Actually got a bit more time. But time to thin the herd. More on radio today."
NBC Voter Panel: "I really like him a lot,” says this Trump 2020 voter about @RonDeSantis. “He’s taken on a lot of big companies. He’s really stood firm…He took charge” and “showed some leadership” at last night’s debate.
CNN Iowa Voter Panel: "He was able to speak to the issues more than everybody else. So I thought that was important"
CNN Iowa Voter Panel: Iowa voter rips Trump for refusing to debate: “It’s disrespectful that he didn’t come to try to earn Iowans votes, because so many people’s votes are still up for grabs. I don’t think he earned anyone’s vote by not coming.”
NTD Voter Panel: "I like his stance on education and on parents. And I also like his stance on the border — he said he would go after the drug cartels."
Dr Houman Hammari: "I think Governor DeSantis in particular, came across as presidential, a lot more than many of the other candidates. He was restrained. He was confident he was detailed in his answers. And I think he came across, really, as a person who can handle the job."
Erin Perrine: "I think overall, there was a very clear winner, and I believe it was Governor Ron DeSantis, you saw a clear focus message from the governor. Not only is he talking every time he answers a question to the Republican electorate, where you don't see Donald Trump doing that he's too afraid to show up on a debate stage. But he has a record. He talks about that record. And he talks about a positive vision for this country. Contrast that with every other candidate on this stage, whether it's about parents standing up to China, energy independence, the future of this nation, being a veteran and rebuilding the military, the only person who has the experience and has been able to set a vision forward was Ron DeSantis. That's why he was head and shoulders you kept hearing him saying, Guys stop with the arguing. Let's stay focused on what matters to the American people. That's the economy. That's the southern border. That's energy cost, specially here in California over six bucks for a gallon of gas. That is what you saw with Ron DeSantis. Tonight, and absolutely brilliant."
Greg Swenson: “He came out looking good, his comment at the end. But he really came out looking good. His comment at the end when Dana Perino asked if they would, if they would vote someone off, which was a little game showish. And he just right away said that's ridiculous. We're not going to do that if he happens to the debate. So I thought, you know, I thought he did a really good job. He hit a lot of strong points that that are good for him that he can lead on. And I think there will be some drops. I think that maybe not immediately from the debate, but you're going to see some fundraising numbers on Saturday, that will indicate that some of these people are crazy to stick in and it's all about consolidation. There's no way that anyone can beat President Trump. If there's five or six candidates in the race.”
Matt Whitlock: "This Haley/Scott dust-up was brutal - I’ve historically really liked both of them and this just felt very uncomfortable. DeSantis picking this moment to cut in and make his direct sales pitch on the fights that *actually matter* was effective."
Vik Bajaj: "Now what Governor DeSantis did here was so astutely bring it down to a level where everyone can relate to. Crime, sometimes it's hard to raise to relate to funding Ukraine, whether that's a good idea or bad, or China and business there. That's a debatable issue for small business owners or large business owners. But when you talk about muggings that everyone reads about and knows about and it is as common as Governor DeSantis says it really strikes home."