Haley Releases New Hampshire Ad Featuring Gov. Sununu
CHARLESTON, S.C. — Nikki Haley for President released a new ad in New Hampshire featuring Governor Chris Sununu’s recent endorsement. The ad will air statewide on broadcast, cable, and digital platforms.
The ad shows Gov. Sununu touting why Nikki Haley earned his endorsement—because she is a “Live Free or Die” Republican who will fight for fiscal responsibility and individual liberty. Haley will return to New Hampshire on Wednesday for a three-day swing and will campaign with Gov. Sununu on Thursday, Dec. 28 in North Conway, Plymouth, and Lebanon.
“Gov. Sununu is one of the most popular governors in the country and widely respected for his fiscal conservatism and his energy on the campaign trail,” said Haley spokesperson Olivia Perez-Cubas. “His endorsement is the latest evidence of Nikki’s growing momentum. With just 28 days until the New Hampshire primary, Nikki Haley is ready to bring ‘Live Free or Die’ to the White House.”
SUNUNU: A president should bring out the best in all of us. That's Nikki Haley.
She's a leader who builds people up. She's a Live Free Or Die Republican who understands fiscal responsibility and individual liberty.
She's a new generation of conservative leadership who can help leave behind the chaos and the drama of the past.
We have an amazing opportunity. Let's win with Nikki Haley because we've got a country to save.
VOICEOVER: Nikki Haley for President.
HALEY: I’m Nikki Haley and I approve this message.