In New Ad, Nikki Haley Calls It Like She Sees It
CHARLESTON, S.C. — Nikki Haley for President released her third ad of the presidential race. It will run statewide in Iowa and New Hampshire on broadcast, cable, and digital platforms.
Echoing themes from her announcement speech, Haley offers the American people some hard truths: Our political class is too old, too entrenched, and has been in Washington too long. She calls for term limits, mental competency tests, a plan to defeat China and restore our economy, and a new conservative president.
“Washington is a mess, but we can’t defeat Democrat chaos with Republican chaos,” said Haley spokesperson Olivia Perez-Cubas. “Nikki Haley is the only candidate offering a new way and a break from the drama of the past. That’s why Nikki has been pushing for term limits, mental competency tests for politicians, and a new generation of conservative leadership.”
I’ll just say it. Biden’s too old, and Congress is the most exclusive nursing home in America.
Washington keeps failing because politicians from yesterday can’t lead us into tomorrow.
We need term limits, mental competency tests, and a real plan to defeat China and restore our economy.
We have to leave behind the chaos and drama of the past with a new generation and a new conservative president.
I’m Nikki Haley and I approve this message.