Kennedy Campaign Collects Neccesary NH Signatures in Just One Day to Get ‘Bobby on the Ballot’
CONCORD, NH—JAN. 23, 2024—The Kennedy campaign today collected in just one day the full 3,000 signatures needed to get on the ballot in New Hampshire, making New Hampshire the second state in the nation where Kennedy has reached the signatures it needs to take on the likely candidates Presidents Biden and Trump in the general election.
“I want to thank our dedicated supporters and volunteers who made this great accomplishment possible,” Kennedy said. “Democracy is much more than voting. I’m inspired by how enthusiastic people are to collect signatures, create new political parties, and rally for real change. This kind of energy is what will get us onto the ballot in every state and fuel our voter registration and GOTV operation as we head toward election day.”
Led by the campaign’s ballot access and field team, volunteers from across New Hampshire and every state in New England came together to gather voter signatures at nearly 100 precincts from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.
“We had people ages 18 to 88 collecting signatures for RFK Jr.,” said Northeast Regional Field Director Larisa Trexler. “All of New England was represented. We made this our primary.”
New Hampshire was a major battleground between the Kennedy campaign and the Democratic National Committee while Kennedy was running as a Democrat. New Hampshire has traditionally been the first primary in the nation, following the Iowa caucus, but due to Kennedy’s broad support and Biden’s fears that Kennedy could win the primary, the DNC attempted to reorder the calendar and push New Hampshire to a later date. This made it clear that the DNC would go to any lengths to coronate Biden without a fair contest in the Democratic primary, which compelled Kennedy to declare his independence on October 9.
On that day, Kennedy declared: “American democracy should be more than just picking between two candidates anointed by shadowy institutions. Big Oil funds the Republicans. Big Tech funds the Democrats. Big Pharma and the military contractors make sure to donate to both. Instead of two parties, we have a uniparty, a monster with two faces loudly bickering with itself as it lumbers over a cliff.”
Kennedy is already on the ballot in Utah, the only state in which the signature submission deadline has now passed. The campaign launched a Ballot Access Headquarters page to keep media and supporters up-to-date on the campaign’s operations to get RFK Jr. on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Earlier this month, supporters of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. filed political party paperwork in six states — California, Delaware, Hawaii, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas. In the first five states listed, the “We the People” political party was formed and in Texas, the “Texas Independent Party” was created.
Three months ago, Kennedy returned to Philadelphia, the birthplace of the United States, and declared his independence from the “bankrupt two-party system.” He did so with the National Constitution Center behind him and the words “We the People” etched into the building by his side.
“We the people” are the first three words of the U.S. Constitution. These words symbolize that our government draws its power from the people that it was created to serve.
On Oct. 9, Kennedy said, “Like the Founding Fathers declared their independence from the crown more than two centuries ago, today we declare our independence from the corrupting influence of Wall Street and corporate donors that have rigged our economy for the few at the expense of the many.”