In Michigan Ad, Haley Reminds Voters: It’s Time for a New Generation
CHARLESTON, S.C. — The Nikki Haley for President campaign will launch a new ad in Michigan Wednesday morning that reminds voters what’s at stake in the February 27 primary: a rematch between two names of the past that 70 percent of Americans don’t want.
“Donald Trump and Joe Biden have a lot in common: they are part of a bygone era of politicians who are too focused on their own drama and chaos to deliver for the American people,” said Haley spokesperson Brittany Yanick. “It’s time for a new generational conservative leader who can put the baggage of the past behind and lead us to a strong and proud America.”
In the ad, Haley offers Michiganders some hard truths: Our political class is too old, too entrenched, and has been in Washington too long. She calls for term limits, mental competency tests, a plan to defeat China and restore our economy, and a new style and approach. The ad also touts Haley’s endorsement from the conservative Detroit News.
HALEY: I’ll just say it. Biden’s too old, and Congress is the most exclusive nursing home in America.
Washington keeps failing because politicians from yesterday can’t lead us into tomorrow.
We need term limits, mental competency tests, and a real plan to defeat China and restore our economy.
We have to leave behind the chaos and drama of the past with a new generation and a new conservative president.
I’m Nikki Haley and I approve this message.