Iowa GOP Releases Caucus Results Site Data
DES MOINES – A critical facet of the Republican Party of Iowa's stunning success holding the 2024 First-in-the-Nation Caucus, in which over 110,000 Iowans participated despite record-low temperatures and a major snowstorm blanketing the state just days before Caucus Night, was the party's reporting and tabulation technological apparatus.
RPI's results reporting app and website, designed and built by leading technology consultant Red Oak Strategic, was used to report the results of a record-high of almost 75 percent of Iowa's 1,657 precincts. The remainder of precincts reported their results to RPI via a phone line manned by Republican Party of Iowa staff.
"We're grateful to RPI and their leadership for not only trusting Red Oak Strategic with a nearly year-long build out using Amazon Web Services and their talented team, but working closely with their partners and volunteers to ensure this project was a success in HQ, and in every caucus site across Iowa," said Mark Stephenson, Red Oak Strategic CEO. "Our team at Red Oak was proud to play such an important part in the Iowa Caucus, and showing what a transparent, secure, and well-run election can look like on a national scale."
RPI's caucus results page, moreover, clocked nearly 1.3 million overall page views in just a few short hours, according to data compiled by Google Analytics. Although the overwhelming majority of these views came from within the United States, several hundred thousand were sourced to countries such as Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, India, Japan, and France -- cementing the global significance of Iowa's First-in-the-Nation Caucus and its half-century-old role in our country's presidential nominating process. Additionally, the app's backend data feeds powered requests from large media outlets such as the Associated Press, Decision Desk HQ, NBC, The New York Times, etc. -- allowing them to use the Iowa GOP data feed to power their results pages for millions of viewers.
"Working with our technology partners and thousands of committed grassroots volunteers, the Republican Party of Iowa has once again proven to the world that the Iowa Caucus process is fair, transparent, and secure," said Jeff Kaufmann, RPI Chairman. "We will always fight to preserve our First-in-the-Nation Caucus status and provide a critical voice for the Heartland in electing our country's presidents."