Independent Presidential Candidate Dr. Cornel West to Announce VP Choice on The Tavis Smiley Show Wednesday
[Los Angeles, California] – Join Brother Cornel West, Independent Presidential Candidate, on The Tavis Smiley Show this Wednesday, April 10th at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET for a landmark announcement of his 2024 Vice Presidential running mate. The announcement comes on the heels of Dr. West recently gaining ballot access in several states as part of a 50-state strategy to offer voters independent options beyond what Dr. West calls “the false choices, violence, and division of the corporate-backed duopoly.”
“On Wednesday, we will joyfully open a new chapter in this ‘moment in a movement,’ by announcing a committed candidate for Vice President who stands in solidarity with poor, oppressed and forgotten people everywhere. Together we will call upon the collective courage of every individual to value their vote and choose to stand with us to utterly dismiss the division, greed, and violence of the corporate-owned duopoly. We invite all to abandon these tired false choices and stand on the ‘side’ of humanity itself.”
Every state requires independents to meet unique rules to be allowed alongside corporate duopoly party candidates on state election ballots. As a result, Dr. West will either stand as the candidate of like minded independent parties, as the candidate of his newly-formed Justice for All Party, or as an independent candidate via required petition signatures—depending on each state's regulations.
In recent months, the campaign has galvanized a people-powered movement rooted in the universal principles of truth, justice, and love. With a vision far beyond this election cycle, the campaign seeks to radically raise the public view to put people and planet over profits, from the local to national level. Refusing corporate donations and super PAC funding, Dr. West relies on personal donations and his fast-growing groundswell of volunteers to fight for independent ballot access and campaign visibility across the nation.
Wednesday’s announcement of Dr. West’s vice presidential candidate will allow the campaign to further progress in additional key states which require a VP candidate to obtain ballot access and give voters an independent choice alongside the duopoly candidates.
Tune into The Tavis Smiley Show this Wednesday, April 10th at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET to welcome Dr. West and meet his running mate as they outline their vision for a presidency that represents all, not only the few, as we collectively uplift our vision toward a more equitable and compassionate society.
The announcement can be watched live or on-demand via YouTube (@KBLA1580), Facebook (@drcornelwest and @therealtavissmiley), Twitter/X (@cornelwest and @tavissmiley), Instagram (@brothercornelwest and @therealtavissmiley), and TikTok (@brothercornelwest); listened to live via or TuneIn (; or downloaded on-demand via The Tavis Smiley Show on major podcast platforms.
Follow the conversation on Social Media: #CornelWest2024 #TruthLoveJustice.