The Clear Debate Winner: Ron DeSantis
Dr. Cody Hoefert, former Iowa GOP Chair: "My honest take on the debate. @RonDeSantis looked presidential & kept pushing the moderators & discussions to kitchen table issues that affect everyday Americans. I think people are looking for leadership not showmanship. No name calling petty back and forths."
Bob Vander Plaats, President of the Iowa Family Leader: “@RonDeSantis clear winner. Showcased results. Best #life answer. Best moment: leading the stage in responding to the most childish question of the night.”
Phil Boas, Arizona Republic: “Today’s obvious truth is this: The night belonged to Ron DeSantis. … his presence was felt. And by the end it became a booming crescendo built upon biography and a powerful answer to the question of abortion. He ended with one final flourish, a spontaneous moment when he told the moderators, in so many words, they could take their stupid question and go to hell.”
Sen. Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator: "Ron DeSantis WINS Second Debate"
Hugh Hewitt, radio host: "Ron DeSantis got a walk-off home run."
Will Cain, Fox News: “I think the winners were Ron DeSantis and Doug Burgam. This was what we expected in the first debate from DeSantis. It wasn’t a goodnight, in my estimation, for Nikki Haley and Tim Scott.”
Clay Travis, Outkick: “My debate power rankings tonight: 1. DeSantis 2. Burgum”
Liz Peek, Fox News: "The winner of the evening was Gov. Ron DeSantis, for whom expectations were low. The audience was reminded of his achievements and why the Florida governor is running second in the GOP primary polls."
Dana Loesch, radio host: “DeSantis won this debate tonight. He shot down bad faith arguments without seeming unpleasant and hit back with a record of achievements while rejecting clown show overtures. Everyone else on that stage is auditioning for VP, cable news, or a publisher.”
Kurt Schlichter, Townhall: "DeSantis won. Huge alpha energy. No fear. … I think objectively he was just superior.”
Kaylee McGhee White, Washington Examiner: "I think the winner was Ron DeSantis... I think he did have some really presidential breakthrough moments where he was able to tout his own agenda and his successful record in Florida."
Dan McLaughlin, National Review: “DeSantis won the exchange with Haley about fracking & showed he could pivot on his feet”
Ryan James Girdusky, author: “DeSantis won. Haley lost.”
Kayleigh McEnany, former Trump White House Press Secretary: "Ron DeSantis calls out the lies that have been told about education in Florida."
Bret Baier, Fox News: "DeSantis had a good night"
Sam Nunberg, Trump 2016 campaign aide: “Gov. DeSantis used his time to remind the Republican primary voters of his governing successes in Florida and credentials, but also in this debate, that he lead the only election success for Republicans in 2022. Electability. Also, started publicly contrasting with the former president.”
Jon Schweppe, American Principles Project: “DeSantis won the debate tonight. He managed to stay above the fray during the debate's chaotic beginning and managed some good lines within the crosstalk. His attack on Trump for being ‘missing-in-action’ landed well — the debate no-shows likely won't go over well with GOP voters who are now starting to tune in, especially in early primary states. His stated position on Ukraine was most in line with what GOP voters actually believe. He also had some great red meat answers with specifics, including on abortion, where he committed to a 15-week limit on abortion at the federal level.”
Chris Loesch, conservative commentator: "DeSantis won and it wasn’t close. He knows the issues, has the track record, was calm and direct.”
Meghan McCain: “DeSantis was the winner - easily.”
Rep. Taylor Collins, Iowa state representative: "The difference between Ron DeSantis and the rest of the candidates on the stage tonight is he doesn’t just talk about what he’s going to do, he actually does it."
Ryan Petty, father of Parkland shooting victim: "Excuse me Mike Pence, how dare you use the Parkland tragedy as a cheap political hit. You should apologize immediately... Ron DeSantis has stood with the Parkland families from day 1."
Tomi Lahren, Fox News and Outkick commentator: "DeSantis is the only one who has actually taken action against activist DAs."
Ann Coulter, author: “Not one other Republican would have the brains (and balls) to do this. @RonDeSantis does.”
Sharla Williams, Iowa voter: "I think what he does is great. I think he’s a great speaker. I think he really always comes through... I’m hoping as time goes on, people will start listening to what Mr. DeSantis has to say."
New Hampshire voter: "[Ron DeSantis] did a great job expressing what his vision was and what his ideals were."
Jeremy Li, student at Rutgers and Campus Reform correspondent: "I really liked Ron DeSantis' performance... What really stood out to me was that he got to the point about what he's going to do if he's elected President... He checked all the boxes for me, and that's what I really think made him win at the end of the day."
Chris, Wisconsin voter: "I'm really interested in Ron DeSantis. I really like his prior Governor experience in Florida. He's taken on a lot of big companies. He's really stood firm in his issues... I really like him a lot."