Joni Ernst: “The Road to 2024 Runs Through Roast and Ride” Ernst Hosts Record-Breaking Roast and Ride Benefiting Veterans
DES MOINES — Today, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst hosted more than 1,000 Iowans, including nearly 250 motorcyclists, at her annual Roast and Ride. The motorcycle ride benefitted the Freedom Foundation, a veterans helping veterans organization based in Cedar Rapids.
Ernst, who served in the Iraq War during her more than two decades in the Iowa Army National Guard, invited confirmed and potential GOP White House contenders to take part in her annual ride and ensuing rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds.
Attendees included: Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Asa Hutchinson, Larry Elder, Perry Johnson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Vice President Mike Pence, Ambassador Nikki Haley, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), and Iowa’s entire Republican Congressional delegation joined the event.
“The road to the White House runs right through my Roast and Ride!” said Joni Ernst (R-Iowa). “While Democrats have given middle America the middle finger, Republicans know that Iowa is FIRST in the nation for a reason. What an incredible opportunity to bring eight of our presidential hopefuls to the Hawkeye state and give thousands of Iowans the chance to hear their plans to get our country back on track. Roast and Ride is THE event of 2023.”
“Rockstar Senator Joni Ernst! She is a dear friend… and I so appreciate our partnership over the years,” said Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. “Joni is doing God's work on behalf of Iowans in D.C. If you’re working on an issue that Joni is passionate about, you want her on your side!”
“Joni is an outstanding Senator. We’re going to take back the White House and the Senate in 2024,” said Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
“I want to thank Senator Ernst for hosting us. Iowa and Florida show America how it’s done!” said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. “We can restore American greatness... there is no substitute for victory."
“I absolutely adore Joni Ernst. She’s a great friend and a great senator, and kudos to you for putting her back in D.C.,” said Nikki Haley. “We need courage to face this moment.”
“It is great to be back at the Roast and Ride! Join me in thanking the incomparable Joni Ernst for caring about our veterans so much,” said Vice President Mike Pence. “Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad, and the answer, Iowa, is strong conservative leadership back in the White House… I’m announcing in Iowa!”
“I love Iowans because they aren't afraid to ask the hard questions,“ said Vivek Ramaswamy. “We must revive American exceptionalism to save the United States.”
“I love Iowa, what a state!“ said Perry Johnson. “Joni Ernst said she would cut the pork, and I’m going to do the same thing.”
“Thank you for this event Joni, and thank you for inviting me,” said Larry Elder. “I have a patriotic and moral obligation to do what I can for a country that has done so much for me. God bless you and God Bless America!”
“Thank you Joni, what an incredible job she’s done,” said Asa Hutchinson. “Iowa can spot normal from a long way away… and Iowa plays an important role as first in the nation.”
“It is so good to be with Senator Joni Ernst at the Roast and Ride again!” said Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.). “If you have faith in God, faith in yourself, and faith in America, all things are possible."
Vivek Ramaswamy Launches Paid Media Blitz in Iowa & New Hampshire
COLUMBUS, OH – Presidential candidate and political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy announced a six-figure, two-week advertising blitz across Iowa and New Hampshire. The ad buy is part of a multi-million dollar ad campaign in the early states over the next several months beginning today.
Ramaswamy’s first ad is called “Identity Crisis” and will begin airing statewide immediately in both Iowa and New Hampshire on broadcast, cable television, radio and digital platforms.
Watch “Identity Crisis” here.
The 30-second message highlights Vivek’s core campaign message and vision for a national revival and fight for America’s identity.
“I am successful entrepreneur and I’m running for President of the United States. We are in the middle of a national identity crisis,” Ramaswamy says in the ad. “Faith, patriotism and hard work have disappeared. Wokeness, gender ideology and the climate cult have taken their place. We spend so much time celebrating our diversity that we forget the values that bind us together. I believe deep in my bones those values still exist,” he said.
Ramaswamy will continue campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire in the coming weeks to share this vision with the voters.
Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 "I'm Running for President of the United States" Announcement Video Transcript
We're in the middle of a national identity crisis.
Faith, patriotism, and hard work have disappeared, only to be replaced by new secular religions like COVIDISM, climateism, and gender ideology.
We hunger to be part of something bigger than ourselves, yet we cannot even answer the question of what it means to be an American.
Today the woke left preys on that vacuum.
They tell you that your race, your gender, and your sexual orientation govern who you are, what you can achieve and what you're allowed to think.
This is psychological slavery and that has created a new culture of fear in our country that has completely replaced our culture of free speech in America.
And that is why today I am announcing my run for President of the United States.
This isn't just a political campaign, this is a cultural movement to create a new American dream for the next generation.
To me the American dream means you believe in merit and that you get ahead in this country not on the color of your skin but on the content of your character and your contributions.
It means you believe the people who we elect to run the government are the ones who actually run the government, not a federal bureaucracy that grows like a National Cancer, that is now metastasizing to the private sector.
It means that the best ideas win, instead of getting censored.
It means you don't have to choose between speaking your mind freely and putting food on the dinner table.
It means you believe these ideals form the backbone of the greatest nation on earth.
That the rest of the world still looks up to as it's example, not the Soviet Union in the last century and not Communist China in this one either.
That is the new American dream.
Ask yourself if you believe in these ideals. I think most of you do.
I think most of you believe your neighbors do too, but you can't be sure because you don't feel free to talk about it anymore.
You might disagree with each other about corporate tax rates or about whether ivermectin treats COVID, but those are details.
We still agree on our nation's most fundamental principles, at least most of us do.
Yet the goal of the ruling party in this country is to convince us that we are divided.
Why? So they can accumulate more power for themselves.
Well, you know what, I have a dream that we can be one people again.
We have obsessed so much over our diversity and our differences that we forgot all the ways we're really just the same as Americans.
Bound together by a common set of ideals that brought together a divided diverse headstrong group of people 250 years ago.
And I believe deep in my bones that those ideals still exist and I am running for president to revive them.
E Pluribus Unum, from many, one.
That is the dream that won the American Revolution.
That is the dream that reunited us after the Civil War.
That is the dream that won us two World Wars and the Cold War.
That is the dream that still gives hope to the free world today.
And if we can revive that dream over fractious group identity, that nobody in the world, not a nation, not a corporation, not a virus is gonna defeat us.
That is what American exceptionalism is all about and that is what we will need to revive to save this great nation.